Words are fun! A few spots of ink on a piece of paper, or sounds relayed from mouth to ear, can evoke feelings, renew memories, deliver information and more. A pastor to whom Pat and I have been listening tells of a brother-in-law whose favorite phrase is, “How fun!” Brother-in-law even has a personalized license plate with his slogan. Without knowing the origins, I might have thought “How Fun” was on the menu of Chinese restaurants.
Theodore Roosevelt popularized “bully.” “Awesome” is in ruins and no longer has other than salvage value. How can we describe God and something as inconsequential as a carnival ride using the same word Mitt Romney and Jon Huntsman are responding to questions about the fearful word, “Mormon.” Mr. Romney’s father, George Romney, two term governor of Michigan, learned that using “brainwashed” during a primary election can ruin a run for the Whitehouse.
Last night we had a wonderful thunderstorm. For about two hours the thunder rolled quietly, rumbling at a distance then building to a wonderful climax just outside our bedroom window. The rain fell quietly, straight down, no violent winds. It was simply wonderful, relaxing, restful.
During storms, Grandpa Wegner, who lived with our family while we were growing up, would stand at an open door and repeat, “Vunderbar! vunderbar, donder and blitzen!” The three words make up nearly a third of my German vocabulary. “Wonderful, wonderful, thunder and lightning!” are my words for a storm – no fear, just wonder. When my mother taught me to memorize “The Night Before Christmas,” I knew that two of the reindeer were really named “Thunder” and “Lightning.”
Psalm 29 calls us to worship with –
The voice of the LORD is over the waters; the God of glory thunders,
the LORD thunders over the mighty waters.
The voice of the LORD is powerful; the voice of the LORD is majestic.
The voice of the LORD breaks the cedars; the LORD breaks in pieces the cedars of Lebanon.
The Prophet Joel adds weight to human understanding of God using Grandpa’s language. The prophet’s world is chaotic. In the context, enemies have the upper hand. But then –
The LORD thunders at the head of his army;
his forces are beyond number,
and mighty are those who obey his command.
The day of the LORD is great; it is dreadful.
Who can endure it? – Joel 2:11
Grandpa had no fear storms, and as a result of his influence, neither do I. Storms are simply “Vunderbar!” All around the “donder” and “blitzen” of ordinary life may rage, but the voice of One who thunders is at the head of His army! The seas surge, roiling with power, and over the sound of the waves, “The Lord thunders!” As the sounds of life stormily wash over us, the Eternal Word of God speaks peace, assurance, confidence, and comfort. The Holy Spirit uses words to soothe and instruct.
Yes! Words are wonderfully powerful, but God’s Word is more powerful than them all! Trust the One who thunders!
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