An anecdote I recall hearing as a boy involved a young man and his friends visiting a carnival where a palm reader was plying her wares. On a whim, the group asked the seer reveal their future. When the last man held out his palm, the seer said, “I cannot get a clear sign about you.” The man had recently committed his life to Jesus and was filled with the Holy Spirit.
In spite of advanced technology and sophisticated science, people remain curious about their future, seek guidance about a pending decision and remain fascinated with horoscopes and fortune tellers. It is evidence of the fact that we all are spiritual at our very core. It is common to feel helpless or confused when facing a difficult, life-changing decision. The anxiety level is often in direct proportion to the weightiness of the choice to be made. A few examples of weighty choices are, “What school or college should I attend?” Later we may ask, “Who should I marry, and when?” In time we may ask, “Where should we purchase a house?” And, “What doctor is best for us, and which medications or treatments will be effective?”
Churches make weighty decisions as well. A choices may include doctrinal issues, real estate purchases, capital improvements, curriculum options, ministries to offer and identifying a new pastor.
How should we make decisions, or commit to a course of action, with an assurance that the Lord is directing our steps?
• Apply God’s Word. No one has mastered every nuance of the Word, but the Holy Spirit will apply all the Biblical knowledge we have hidden away in our hearts. If the Bible proscribes, or forbids something, waste no time praying about doing it. The same is true if the Bible prescribes, or encourages us to do something. When a choice looms before us is not a good time to search the Scriptures as a student cramming for an exam. We must draw on the reserves of Bible knowledge already in place. I have remembered the counsel of Bible-based sermons, or truths read, which I thought I had forgotten. The Holy Spirit has repeatedly brought the right information, counsel, attitude, and faith from His Word in seasons of decision-making.
• Listen to the Spirit. Paul encouraged the Romans with, “The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children.” (8:16) We can be as comfortable in conversation with God as we are with our parents! We all know people who have been drawn away by false promises, fading beauties, or fickle values. The Spirit of God reliably leads us into truth, affirms what is right, and directs the paths of those who listen to Him. As Pat and I faced big decisions, we prayed until the Spirit assured us and allowed us to move forward in peace. We didn’t always know how things would work our, but we trusted the Spirit. He has repeatedly used friends, a serendipitous publication, a “word fitly spoken as apples of gold, pictures of silver.” (Proverbs 25:11)
• Follow leaders. Leadership is God’s gift. Those who spend their time undermining the credibility of leaders will never fully benefit from the blessings God delivers through those assigned to lead. In the political arena, prayer for leaders will do more good than anything else. I have served under four general superintendents and ten different district superintendents, and am convinced that as I followed obediently, not blindly, God blessed me. Superintendents, presbyters, pastors and deacons are gifts from the Lord to the church to bless the church. I may not always understand why leaders lead as they do, but I am committed to obedience. Happiness is not found in understanding, joy is rooted in obedience. Follow leaders.
• Be boldly positive! Expect better days, improved results, peace that surpasses understanding, and an improvement over everything yet experienced. Some will want to revisit decisions already made, asking, “What if ...?” Don’t waste your time! Once a decision is made live with the consequences. The Lord who makes everything work together for good even makes our mistakes good. The past cannot be undone. We walk with Jesus who shepherds us into a future too good for us to imagine. Enjoy the school you’ve chosen, the bride or groom you married, the fixer-upper you purchased, and the doctor who treats you. If you are choosing a new leader, expect the new to be superior to the old!
Those who crowded around Jesus asked for signs. Some still are getting the proverbial cart before the horse saying, “If I saw a miracle, a real authentic and inexplicable miracle, I would believe on Jesus.” Not so! Those who sought a sign witnessed Jesus giving blind people their sight, deaf people hearing, lame men strength to walk, and the dead return to life – and still shouted, “Crucify Him!” Make decisions based on God’s Word, listen to the Holy Spirit, follow leaders, and expect the best!
By the way, the young man mentioned in the first paragraph, the one saved and filled with the Holy Spirit, he was my father. Mom and Dad’s legacies overflow with good decisions.
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