Life presents frequent “Plan B” scenarios. The unexpected seems to be part of every decision, all relationships, and each expectation. The unplanned is a common denominator in life that often proves to be as insignificant as a flat tire, a missed appointment, or getting lost en route to a casual social event. Right now Pat and I have several friends who are battling cancer. By definition, disappointments are the opposite of what is anticipated. No one we know has planned to contract a serious disease or deliberately looked forward to defeat. Sicknesses and disappointments call for “Plan B.”
Joshua needed a “Plan B” solution immediately after a terrific victory at Jericho. The people were excited and feeling invincible. The walls of Jericho fell without the loss of a single Israeli life. Ai was smaller, less fortified, and more vulnerable than Jericho. The report of the spies was accepted, “Two or three thousand warriors will be more than enough.” (7:3) Hours later, Israel was demoralized and mourning the loss of 36 soldiers, Ai was angry and ready for a fight, and Joshua suddenly was called on to exercise yet untested leadership skills. Until Ai, everything had gone as planned. The people were now second guessing Joshua and he cried out, “If only we had been content to stay on the other side of Jordan.”
Most of us can relate to Joshua’s dilemma, even if our challenges are of lesser magnitude. Wisdom says, “Learn from others and apply the “Plan B” solutions which have brought victory. Notice –
• While Joshua was one of the two faithful spies sent into the Promised Land, he failed to remember that ten out of twelve spies were unreliable. Joshua simply was listening to the wrong counsel. As soon as Joshua humbled himself, he heard from the Lord!
• Joshua’s concern was broader than his personal reputation. He prayed, “What will you do for your own great name?” (7:9) Desperate prayers are often self-focused. Joshua is a proper example pointing to the Lord’s reputation among Israel and her enemies.
• The Lord introduced a war strategy never employed by Israel before, a ruse, which minimized the effectiveness of the enemy army. That is a huge lesson! God’s ways are full of innovation. In a copycat world, the Sovereign of the universe keeps creating, planning, equipping, and succeeding without duplicating a previous scheme! “Plan B” is most often new, creative, stunning, surprising, full of ingenuity.
• Achan serves as a prototype of all who will crave or covet the wrong thing. Skewed priorities twist the straight paths promised to God-followers into gnarled dead ends and frustrating detours. In retrospect, some of what I wanted have proven to be the least important of all. I personally have come to value the “Plan B” experiences as much other God provisions and interventions.
• While taking plunder from Jericho was forbidden, Israeli armies were ordered to take all they could carry from Ai. (8:2) Living by rote, unthinking, without listening to the Lord’s instructions, will end with the wrong results. Each stage in life, each event or circumstance warrants a new word, a fresh insight into the Lord’s counsel.
Pat and I are facing unplanned circumstances. We never anticipated Parkinson’s Disease, but we are listening for the Lord’s counsel daily. “Plan B” is frequently a daily need as changes occur – unexpected, unannounced, and unwanted. But, with God, “Plan B” is satisfying and full of victory.
If you are in “Plan B” mode, enjoy the moment. Expect a new intervention. Listen and look for the One who speaks and acts!
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