Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Cross the street! Peace is on the other side.

Life lessons are often learned in unexpected places and at surprising times. While our children were in elementary school, we established a tradition. One day between Thanksgiving and Christmas, we took them out of school and spent the day in New York City. The enchanting scenes, smells and spirit of the city are unlike any other. Those school-skipping days are in a portfolio of memories that is more important to us than a perfect attendance certificate!

We walked the streets and avenues of the city absorbing as much as we could! While others sing about "chestnuts roasting on an open fire," we know the aroma and have tasted them! "Jack Frost nipping at your nose" is a silly lyric for some, but we know the cold of New York City where the winds whine and weave through narrow streets. Brrr, I feel the chill as I write!

We oohed and aahed at the soaring twin spires of St. Patrick’s Cathedral before walking through its cavernous interior. Absorbing its beautiful antique art and feeling the stillness and sacredness of a place which is surrounded by merchants, moneychangers and modern icons on the outside is a memory worthy of a special section in our album of memories. Warmed, we walked through Rockefeller Plaza with its iconic lighted angels blowing trumpets, skaters twirling and tumbling on the ice rink and the TREE! Seeing the TREE in person should be on everyone’s "bucket list!"

Our walking tour was only a few hundred yards long. BRRRR, it’s very cold after a few paces outdoors. The wind injects needle-like doses of winter through one’s skin. Candace, Jonathan and Joanna’s eyes always danced with excitement at the Sak’s Fifth Avenue windows. (Malls don’t have "windows," just a few square yards of glass for posting sales and discounts. Fifth Avenue stores have "WINDOWS," places of fantasy and fun. Mechanized models of make-believe, Bob Cratchit and Scrooge, and boys and girls romping, sliding and skating, elves and reindeer filled each window. Thousands of people exhaled clouds of vapor as they paced in zigzagging lines to get up front and close to enchantment.

Revolving doors with tons of shining brass framing thick glass twirl customers into the warm sanctuary of retail! Pages of print are needed to describe the experience. Why don’t we go together next year and you can see for yourself? We were soon warmed and ready for another bolt of icy air to penetrate the layers of shirts, sweaters, scarves and made-for-the-arctic outerwear.

A few blocks south on Fifth Avenue Macy’s windows and Toyland are awaiting boys and girls with awe-filled eyes and jittery joy on their faces. One can watch Thanksgiving Day parades on television, but one must do Toyland in person! It is spectacular! An inventory of a child’s wish list is easily assembled in Toyland. Toys, games, dolls, trucks and cars are everywhere . . . and sales associates dressed to enhance the fantasy are ready to help.

Lord and Taylor is just North of Macy’s. Retailers compete with windows. The wind shifted, coming from the West. Our young family had moved to the leeward side of Fifth Avenue skyscrapers. Everything was calm. The thermometer registered the same temperature, but we had crossed the street. A mere 100 feet from the place we stomped warmth into numb feet and wrapped scarves across freezing faces, we were warm. At that moment Jonathan looked up at me and said, "Dad, it is so peaceful here!"

What a memory, and what an observation! Just move across the street! Many at this season are close to the truth, familiar with the story of Jesus, but "across the street" and away from the warmth of being next to Him, in close relationship with the Prince of Peace. We trust that you will know the warmth of Jesus, the Christ and Prince of Peace today and always!


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