Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Life must have rhythms. That statement is axiomatic. The whole universe is rhythmic. Sun, moon and stars all have an orbit and sequence for appearing and disappearing from earth’s vantage point. Some of my favorite routines include the wonders of spring training and the long baseball season on the horizon. The Detroit Tigers will win the World Series. I have believed that every Spring for over 60 years. The Tigers are always in the running before the games count in the standings. Last Saturday we saw thousands of daffodils, brilliant yellow brightening the dismal brown landscape recovering from winter. Spring is God’s antidote for Winter and a wonderful proof of nature’s rhythms. Sunday, the first day of the week, the Lord’s Day, is God’s way of reminding us that the cadence of the week following is anticipated as we will approach new challenges filled with His Presence. And, I must arise early and spend time in silence worshipping, interceding, reading, learning and musing. Word and wonder are as necessary as bread and meat.

As you know, Pat and I have been experiencing major disruptions to the rhythms of our life defined by vocation, church and family for more than 40 years. But, life changes and new cadences must be established. But, I must continue to rise early, meet with the Lord in Word and wonder, and then communicate with others the grace so abundantly poured out on us. Pat and I are confident that God will be consistent, will continue our life’s long cadence, and bring fresh challenges. Each will require that we employ knowledge gained by previous experiences. We are anticipating new ministries too. The beginnings of the new are beginning to germinate. There is a daffodil moment just ahead. We’d love you to share our excitement and prayers as we move forward.

If you would like to follow along, please add this address, http://renewedcities.blogspot.com, to your favorites list and open the “blog of the day.” I promise not to bore you with what we ate for breakfast of how beautiful our grandchildren are. (You already know that truth!) We are eager to get your feedback and to hear what is happening in your journey. And, you have heard the last about daffodils!

Last Thought: This morning I finished reading Spring Training, by William Zinsser. Several one liners captured my attention, but one by Bill Virdon, a spring training special instructor for the Pittsburgh Pirates, stood out. Virdon’s specialty is preparing outfielders for the 162 game season. The context is the challenge of outfielders to maintain concentration while playing defense. An outfielder may play an entire game without touching the baseball defensively. Virdon said, “The best ones are total in their self-discipline.” Even though I may not be called on to the throw out a runner attempting to stretch a single into a double or make a Willie Mays quality catch in deep center, I will be ready when the occasion arises! I will be musing on that all day.

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