To what is Jesus committed? If one listens to current populist spokesmen for the faith, one would conclude Jesus is primarily committed to our comfort, economic prosperity and well being.
I have been musing lately on Jesus’ agenda, his priorities for his disciples. My list is incomplete, but gradually growing.
1. Jesus calls all disciples to “GO!” His mandate (Matthew 28:16-20) is not a suggestion to an elite few, but an order given to all who follow Him. The “go and make disciples of all nations,” is an order with an anticipated obedience. The Deceiver has systematically indoctrinated people to believe that the “go” is a special calling or circumstance. Jesus calls us to strategic places to light areas and people that would otherwise be dark.
2. Jesus alerts all followers that obedience can be strenuous and costly. “A student is not above his teacher, nor a servant above his master,” is a clear indication that being Jesus’ disciple is costly. The Matthew 10 context speaks of being arrested, flogged, betrayed and hated.
3. While Jesus was present in creation, forming the world we experience with the Father and Spirit with His voice in six days, he has spent all history redeeming and restoring what was lost by man’s sin. It seems as if every generation assumes a mandate to discard the past and create something new – it is easier. But, Jesus works in endless continuity – past, present and future – doing the same thing throughout the ages, reconciling what was created in a few moments.
In short, Jesus is so committed to redeeming the world He created that He gave his own life to affect that possibility. And, he expects the same from us – our whole life.
My prayer this morning is, “Jesus keep me in a ‘going’ mode and steer me to the proper places and people. Help me not to shrink back from a challenge because of my own agenda or demand for comfort and convenience. And, fill me with your Spirit so I am effective wherever you send me.”
Have a great day friends!
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