Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Lord's Day, the best!

The Lord’s Day, Sunday, is the special day of the week in our home. Attending church service is a highlight. Pat and I begin preparations early on Saturday. Yesterday I mentioned, "This is my favorite day!" Pat smiled, agreed and suggested that we may enjoy the Lord’s Day more because we have fewer responsibilities and have the afternoon to relax. It is that and more.

Worship is not a "stand-alone" event for us. We are worshipers all week. But the gathering of God’s people who sing and declare His Name as glorious is matchless. It makes the highlight reel weekly. The pastor’s son of the church where we worship is an excellent guitarist. The band is authentic in its service to the Lord and His church. The people reach out toward God with enthusiasm and authenticity. The church is very different from what we had grown accustomed, but it is now our home and family. We belong. Sundays are good because of corporate worship.

The message our pastor preached is one everyone needs to hear and obey regularly. Pat and I were fed the truth of God. I need the Word of God to enter me, forcefully, faithfully as preachers declare truth. It happened yesterday . . . wonderfully, memorably, and convincingly.

The early afternoon was filled with fellowship, conversation about the reality of God and His care for us in His Son. The time was refreshing, an exhilarating continuation of the hours we set aside gathering to worship. Four of us shared, learned, laughed and promised one another to support each other with our prayers and practical help. It was a biblical expression and continuation of the worship gathering.

The afternoon was spent with good books, and an occasional turn of the eyes toward a golf tournament. The hours were relaxing, full of reflecting and reviewing, refreshing, renewing and cause for rejoicing. The day was like no other of the week. If Sundays suddenly didn’t exist, my whole world would be turned upside down. Sundays help establish the rhythm of life. Sundays are never tedious but consistently tremendous! Sundays have been that way as long as we can remember!

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