Wednesday, November 30, 2011


After our brief hiatus, we write again! This post-Thanksgiving item is an attempt to capture the swelling spirit of appreciation we are experiencing. Because this season in our life is enriched by the longer shadows cast by years of experience and observation, our Thanksgiving goes deeper and is richer. Once we felt compelled to produce, were continuously planning and moving from one project or assignment to the next. In contrast, we now enjoy a slightly slower pace (In the last month we drove over 5000 miles to reach ministry assignments.) and spend more time reflecting, musing, evaluating, and reading before preaching. We have even enjoyed the luxury of spending a bit of time in our garage wood shop making Christmas gifts.

As boys in elementary school, my brother and I played church. Dennis was the worship leader, I was usually the preacher. The pulpit was an upturned child sized rocking chair. We were short on content, full of zeal! My parents were amused and even prompted us to perform for their friends on occasion. What was once play became our vocations.

After spending Thanksgiving Day with most of the grandchildren, listening to their chatter, I am full of thanksgiving that another generation is following Jesus close on our heels. Each of our children, Candace, Jonathan, Joanna and their spouses are immersed in ministry. Sitting around the holiday dinner table was emotional for Pat and me as we witnessed and heard the passions and desires of our family. And then, Monday, Joanna called to tell us that Isabella and Luca were leading a Bible study in their play house in their backyard. Isabella is now seven years old, Luca, five. Photo proof is posted on our Facebook page. Click, enjoy, and give thanks with us!!/otto.wegner. Jon’s daughter, Abigail is already singing with the worship team in church. Joanna, Jon’s second daughter, was baptized in water recently.

On Sunday we ministered in Hackensack, New Jersey. More than twenty years ago we led a team of Bible college students in planting the church now known as Emanuel Christian Church. For seven weeks, 50 consecutive nights, we conducted evangelism services. Each Friday for seven weeks we walked around the perimeter of the city of over 80,000 praying. Our prayer walk path passed within 100 feet of the current meeting place! The prayers of God’s people continue in the heavens long after the sounds drift into silence.

Pastor Ralph and Debbie Fiorelli are the workers Jesus is using to fashion a radiant group of people into a church destined to be without spot or wrinkle. Among the Sunday worshipers were people from a homeless shelter, paroled convicts, people who live in a park along the Hackensack River, and well educated, well trained people from the community. The extent of the practical ministry was thrilling to witness. Jesus certainly is smiling in approval over the Fiorellis who are pouring out their lives in His Name. Please pray for Debbie. She is confined to a wheel chair when she leaves the house.

One of the expressions of ministry worthy of celebrating is Ralph’s business, Crossroads Plumbing and Heating. Ralph, a licensed master plumber, is using his business to train unemployed men to be plumbers. He uses daily interactions with the men to teach life skills and spiritual truth. Pastor Fiorelli’s plan is to lead the men in additional church planting teams. How great is that? We are looking into ways that Ralph’s model can be reproduced in Philadelphia and other places.

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