Monday, April 23, 2012

Yes, we believe in miracles!

A paper newsletter we distribute via snail mail includes the following, “How many people do you know who have answered the phone to hear, ‘I just sent $50,000 to you for your project?’ In answer to prayer, we have experienced many miracles. When I work, I work. When I pray, God works!” Here is the story of the $50,000 phone call. While talking on the telephone, I inquired about the health of the spouse of the person with whom I was speaking. We had received a report about a cancer diagnosis and I called to verify the accuracy of the report and to offer prayer. The spouse’s condition was grave and I assured the family that the church would be praying. Just before ending the call, I was asked, “I heard you have a project in North Philadelphia. How is it coming along?” I responded as light-heartedly as possible, but had to soberly report that the renovations at Resurrection Life had stalled for lack of funds. We had an estimate of $75,000 to install a sprinkler system, an unexpected add-on imposed by the city fire department, and we didn’t have the needed 50%, or $37,500, to get the job started. “Oh, that’s a lot of money!” my friend said. “We would really like to help, but we’ll pray.” Since I had not called to speak about a renovation project or to raise money, I gave little thought to our friend’s promise of prayer. But, less than an hour later, I received a call and the happy news, “We will be sending you $50,000 to help get that sprinkler system installed!” That happened more than three years ago. Other challenges were presented. The balance was met as miraculously as the generous gift of $50,000. The list of miracles is long! If anyone asks you, “Do you know anyone who received a phone call and the promise of $50,000?” Say, “Yes!” Have the person call and I will verify that the story is true! Our Father knows what we need even before we ask! (Matthew 6:8)

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