Tuesday, January 28, 2014

A carton of croutons revives a memory!

Travel interrupts the rhythms of my life. When we are home, my routines help me stay a bit organized. Sleeping in different places, spending time with people, even wonderful family members, and being distracted by the unusual interrupts my writing time. So, I haven’t written for the past two weeks.

When stirring into consciousness this morning I mused, "About what should I write?" The backdrop for my musing is a mural of need, staggering life-threatening illnesses, the recent passing of a dear missionary friend and one of our faithful volunteers. Each had a strain of cancer. I have been preaching for another friend who is fighting a battle with cancer of the esophagus. People we know shiver in poorly heated homes. What can I say, what can be written to encourage, to build faith, to urge those who struggle onward?

Then, the inspiration came! I opened the refrigerator door! I only expected to reach for the milk for my cereal when I spotted the container of croutons. The processor’s label caught my eye. The label stirred the memory of a miraculous provision! Ah, I immediately knew I could write a story of God’s supernatural provision.

While renovating the building that now houses Resurrection Life Church we experienced a series of financial challenges. One of the needs was for very expensive interior doors. Several had to be fire-rated per city building codes. The state board of education mandated that all classroom doors had to have a window so that classes could be observed and children’s safety could be guaranteed. All door openings required metal jambs and commercial door closers. The average cost for each door opening approached $500. And we had more than 30 openings.

At the time one of my daily routines included reading through electronic classified ads looking for needed materials. I will never forget the morning when I saw an ad, "Interior Comerica Doors, Best Offer." No pictures. No description. I called the listed telephone number and began my inquiry. The company was renovating office space and was replacing all their office doors. Need I tell you that the doors were exactly what we needed, jambs, closers, windows in the right doors, and fire-rated?

I then asked, "What is the best offer you have received?" "None," was the answer. In response I offered the same, nothing but a receipt for a charitable donation. And the company’s vice president was delighted to see perfectly good materials being put to good use. Isn’t God good?

I think I will make sure that the crouton container is always facing me as a reminder of the blessings of the Lord!

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