Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Wisdom: Recorded and Enduring

None of us have invented wisdom! All wisdom flows from God toward people. Have you noticed that examples of wisdom bubble up in history? When considering wisdom, Solomon instantly comes to mind. By the Spirit Solomon recorded, "For Wisdom is better than all the trappings of wealth; nothing you could wish for holds a candle to her." Proverbs 8:11 (The Message) But, Solomon is not the only proponent of sound thinking and sage decision making. They are found throughout Scripture and can be found in every age. I believe wise, God-initiated ideas and decisions are the means by which God keeps his creation from growing completely rotten.

Biography and history, accounts of God at work in every age, have powerful potential to illustrate and reinforce the wisdom of the Spirit in Scripture. I am currently finding that kind of instruction from Samuel Shoemaker who disciplined himself to write, leaving a legacy if wisdom for generations which would follow him. Reverend Shoemaker served as an Episcopalian minister in New York City and Pittsburgh between 1925 and the early 60's. He left a record of his spiritual insights and manner in which ministries formed under his leadership. The more than 30 volumes written by Samuel Shoemaker comprise a library which bubbles with wisdom.

In The Power of God, Shoemaker shares insights into the work of the Holy Spirit in his parish work in Pittsburgh. The influence of the church extended to a network of Bible classes and evangelism outreaches that swept through the steel industry and city government and led Shoemaker’s association in initiating the ministry of Alcoholic Anonymous.

As the effects of ministry began to emerge, Pastor Shoemaker observed, "When we live as we should, men will ask us living questions."1 His pastoral leadership resulted in people living out their faith in such a dynamic manner that others began to ask a reason for their different way of life. He taught people to pray listening prayers which resulted in God communicating instructions on how to advance His purposes.

One anecdote woven through several of Shoemaker’s books is the growth of a network of Bible studies throughout Pittsburgh. It began with a man who was shy and lacked confidence. His speech is described as "near stuttering." But God visited the man and used him. The first Bible study group had members from the steel workers union, management, and owners, something few ever had dreamed to be possible. The heyday of the steel industry coincided with the emergence of Shoemaker’s grassroots approach to ministry.

Samuel Shoemaker used a metaphor of the Holy Spirit being as a stream. He noted that the Spirit is not a raging river which sweeps one off his feet but a gentle stream where one can stand and be refreshed. The good pastor also noted that just as one cannot swim without getting in the water, one must enter the stream of what the Spirit is doing and follow the flow. Samuel Shoemaker imparted good advice, great counsel and enduring wisdom to big city congregations. May we live as wisely as he. "When we live as we should, men will ask us living questions."

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