Monday, February 3, 2014

On the passing of a friend

Willard Cook and I first met in the Spring of 1999. My wife and I were guests at Highway Tabernacle and Brother Cook was among those who welcomed us. As we conversed, I was drawn to his anecdotes of life experiences and his sense of history. Our knowledge of the church was primarily drawn from history books and anecdotal references handed down friend-to-friend. Brother Cook and a few others remembered and repeated lessons learned from previous pastors which helped us understand the congregation’s values and ethos. Willard Cook was one of my important and valued informants.

We quickly discovered that Pat, Willard and I were all alumni of Central Bible College. Brother Cook’s college experiences were more than 25 years ahead of ours, but served as a special bond because his stories of student ministry, travel, classes and chapel helped us more deeply appreciate our experiences decades later.

At the first official church council we conducted, Brother Willard asked a most insightful question. After my response he quickly added, "If that is the case, I am in favor of the resolution." The congregation’s decision was reached quickly and unanimously. I have often wondered what might have happened if Brother Cook’s question hadn’t been posed and his response hadn’t been as direct. In a quiet way Brother Cook helped lead us that day. And, the effect of the decision at that meeting continues.

For more than a decade every Sunday morning I was asked, "Do you have something for the sign this week?" Brother Cook managed the sign with moveable letters outside the church. His persistent quest for something new helped me develop a discipline to find pithy statements designed to capture the thoughts of nonreligious people passing by. It wasn’t easy to pose questions or make meaningful statements with a few words. But Brother Cook wanted to keep the sign fresh and I was the one to produce the material. From behind the scenes Brother Cook served the church, the neighborhood and me. More than one neighbor told me that they walked by just to read the sign and find inspiration from its messages.

When I heard of Willard Cook’s passing, I immediately remembered his impact and contributions I have grown to appreciate. I rejoice that the place Jesus went to heaven to prepare for our brother has been completed. At the coming of the Lord we will be reunited. It will be a grand event. I think that I may carry a 3x5 card in my pocket with an appropriate message for a sign . . . just in case! In any event, our fellowship will be renewed in the presence of the One who drew us to Himself and saved us.

May the grace of God be abundantly poured out on us all.

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